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KetBy has been discontinued.

KetBy was an open-source quantum composer that allowed users to build, analyze, simulate and share quantum circuits.

It was built using React.js with NextJS and MUI on the front-end and PHP with Laravel and Python with Qiskit on the back-end. The source code is still avilable on GitHub.

If you have any questions, you can reach to us at

Keep scrolling for some screenshots.

KetBy homepageKetBy homepage
Quantum composerQuantum composer
Demo circuitsDemo circuits
Textbook articole on Grover's algorithmTextbook articole on Grover's algorithm
Registration pageRegistration page
Profile pageProfile page
Project sharingProject sharing
Quantum gate settingsQuantum gate settings
Simulation resultsSimulation results
Mobile friendly UIMobile friendly UI
Quantum gate infoQuantum gate info