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Grover's quantum algorithm

Quantum quadratic speedup for unstructured search.

Grover's algorithm, also known as the quantum search algorithm, solves the unstructured search problem while also providing quadratic speedup.

The problem statement is as follows: given LaTeX figure, LaTeX figure and a function LaTeX figure which outputs 0 for all but one input value, find the value LaTeX figure for which LaTeX figure. A classical computer could solve this problem with a time complexity of LaTeX figure, as it needs to evaluate the function LaTeX figure times on average. However, as we will see in the following paragraphs, Grover's algorithm provides quadratic speedup, effectively succeeding in finding LaTeX figure with a time complexity of LaTeX figure.

The quantum circuit that implements Grover's algorithm is shown below.

Grover circuit

The quantum circuit is made up of LaTeX figurequbits which initially are all in state LaTeX figure. Let us define LaTeX figure as the state of the quantum system after we apply the LaTeX figure gate on each qubit.

LaTeX figure

We will hereafter denote by LaTeX figure the superposition of all LaTeX figure bitstrings LaTeX figure of length LaTeX figure. Let us not introduce LaTeX figure. We can rewrite LaTeX figure as

LaTeX figure

where LaTeX figure [1].

Next, we apply the LaTeX figure oracle. This oracle, also called a subrouting, is defined as LaTeX figure. Hence, we obtain

LaTeX figure

The next step of the algorithm is the application of a diffuser LaTeX figure. Using trigonometric identities, we obtain

LaTeX figure

After applying the successive LaTeX figure and LaTeX figure instructions, we reach

LaTeX figure

Let us apply these two gates LaTeX figure times. After LaTeX figure iterations, we obtain

LaTeX figure

After LaTeX figure iterations, the probability to measureLaTeX figure is

LaTeX figure

Supposing that LaTeX figure is considerably larger than 1, the probability LaTeX figure can be approximated as LaTeX figure. When LaTeX figure (i.e., LaTeX figure), the probability LaTeX figure approaches 1. Hence, in order to obtain an answer with a high confidence, we must iterate over the LaTeX figure and LaTeX figure instructions LaTeX figure times. This is what actually makes Grover's algorithm have a time complexity of LaTeX figure: we evaluate the function LaTeX figure approximately LaTeX figure times using the LaTeX figure oracle.

It has already been proven that Grover's algorithm's quadratic speedup is optimal for the unstructured search problem. This means that we cannot solve the problem in polynomial time or faster, even on a quantum computer. However, the time complexity of Grover's algorithm, which is LaTeX figure, is still much better than the exponential time complexity of LaTeX figure for a considerably large value of LaTeX figure.

The SAT (i.e., boolean satisfiability) problem can be solved using this algorithm. Let us consider the following SAT instance [2], and implement it in KetBy.

LaTeX figure open

By employing ancilla qubits, we can implement Grover's algorithm for LaTeX figure as shown in the figure below.

Grover circuit example

As we can see, we use two ancilla qubits to implement the oracle LaTeX figure. The second ancilla qubit is initially in state LaTeX figure and we apply a LaTeX figure gate on it. We use LaTeX figure gates to compute the conjunctions between the literals, effectively mapping LaTeX figure to LaTeX figure. We also undo the first LaTeX figure gate (i.e., uncompute the first ancilla qubit). Finally, we apply the diffuser LaTeX figure.

You can find a implementation of this circuit with LaTeX figure and LaTeX figure iterations here.

According to the previous introduction, LaTeX figure is defined as LaTeX figure. In our case, LaTeX figure, hence LaTeX figure. After LaTeX figure iterations over the LaTeX figure oracle and the LaTeX figure diffuser, the probability to measure LaTeX figure, where LaTeX figure is the bitstring that encodes the solution to the SAT problem, is LaTeX figure. When running a simulation of the circuit with LaTeX figure iterations of LaTeX figure and LaTeX figure, we measure LaTeX figure (where LaTeX figure is the solution to the problem) in LaTeX figure of the cases, as shown below.

Grover circuit example with 1 iteration

Let us now perform two iterations over LaTeX figure and LaTeX figure. In this case, the probability of success is LaTeX figure. Again, the results of the simulation correlate with the mathematically expected results, as we measure the state LaTeX figure in LaTeX figure of the cases.

Grover circuit example with 2 iterations


[1] B. Vermersch, Lecture notes on "Quantum algorithms", Université Grenoble Alpes 2023, URL:
[2] B. Siegelwax, Grover's Algorithm, an Intuitive Look, Quantum Zeitgeist 2021, URL:

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