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The Deutsch-Jozsa quantum algorithm

From exponential to constant time complexity using quantum speedup.

The Deutsch-Jozsa quantum algorithm solves a very specific problem which, although has little to no practical use, was among the first to show the speedup of quantum computing over classical computing.

The problem statement is as follows: given a boolean function LaTeX figure, we must find out whether it is constant (i.e., LaTeX figure) or balanced (i.e., LaTeX figure produces 1 on exactly half of the inputs LaTeX figure). We are promised it is either one or the other.

A classical computer would need LaTeX figure evaluations of LaTeX figure to yield a deterministic answer in the worst case. However, as we will see, the Deutsch-Jozsa quantum algorithm can yield the same answer with just one evaluation of LaTeX figure.

The quantum circuit on which this algorithm runs requires LaTeX figure qubits. The key of this algorithm is to find a way to implement LaTeX figure as a quantum oracle LaTeX figure that maps a state LaTeX figure to LaTeX figure, where LaTeX figure denotes the bitwise exclusive-or (XOR) operator (alternatively, addition modulo 2).

A typical circuit implementing the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm is shown below.

Deutsch-Jozsa circuit

The quantum circuit has the initial state LaTeX figure. Let us apply an LaTeX figure gate on each of the LaTeX figure qubits. This leads us to

LaTeX figure

In the equality above, the sum runs over all bitstrings of length LaTeX figure. We then apply the quantum oracle LaTeX figure to the circuit, which maps the state LaTeX figure to LaTeX figure. We obtain

LaTeX figure

which tells us that the first LaTeX figure qubits are still is the same state as in the case of LaTeX figure, but the qubit on position LaTeX figure now successfully encodes LaTeX figure.

We notice how, if LaTeX figure, the state of the last qubit is LaTeX figure. Similarly, if LaTeX figure, the state of the last qubit is LaTeX figure. For this reason, we can rewrite LaTeX figure as

LaTeX figure

We may now ignore the last qubit and only focus on the first LaTeX figure qubits. We are left with the following state:

LaTeX figure

Next, we apply the LaTeX figure gate on the first LaTeX figure qubits again. We obtain

LaTeX figure

LaTeX figure

In the expression above, LaTeX figure is the sum of the bitwise product. Again, the sums in the expression of LaTeX figure run over all bitstrings of length LaTeX figure.

The last step of the algorithm involves measuring the first LaTeX figure qubits. Given the state of LaTeX figure, the probability of measuring LaTeX figure is

LaTeX figure

We notice how, if LaTeX figure (i.e., LaTeX figure is constant), LaTeX figure will evaluate to

LaTeX figure

In other words, if LaTeX figure is constant, the probability to measure LaTeX figure is 1. Similarly, if LaTeX figure is balanced, then LaTeX figure evaluates to 0, as any value of LaTeX figure inside the sum will be canceled out by a value of LaTeX figure. Therefore, if LaTeX figure is balanced, any state other than LaTeX figure will be measured.

Check out the following examples implemented in KetBy.

LaTeX figureopen

Deutsch-Jozsa circuit example 1

LaTeX figure is balanced

LaTeX figureopen

Deutsch-Jozsa circuit example 2

LaTeX figure is constant

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